SEO Trusts in Labkotec Oil Separator Monitoring Solutions

The growing service station chain SEO decided to renew the remote monitoring of oil separators at more than 40 stations. It chose Labkotec as a supplier for its ready-to-use concept, suitable technology, as well as manufacturers’ core know-how and support.
Suomalainen Energiaosuuskunta, SEO, is a fuel marketing and procurement chain owned by its independent traders. The growing chain already includes 230 stations around Finland. The company, which strongly believes in buying local and enterprise, invests in the continuous development of responsibility and safety, making quality the most important factor when choosing the oil separator monitoring systems.
– We compared a lot of different options, but in the end, the decision was easy. Labkotec offered a ready-to-use concept, suitable technology, and support from the manufacturer itself, says SEO’s Regional Manager Tuomas Puronen, who is also responsible for security in the company.
Station-specific measurement solutions
SEO’s contract partner, Asennusliike Lahtinen, was responsible for the installation of the oil separator alarms. Thanks to the battery-powered data transmission units, there was no need to run electricity to most of the targets, which made the installation easy. The units have enough power for up to 10 years, which is especially useful in “cold” outdoor self-service stations. The carrying capacity of each unit’s LoRa network was measured to ensure connections, and if necessary, a wired GSM data transmission device was installed. The data transmission units send the alarm and measurement data of the oil separators to the LabkoNet server, from where they are delivered to SEO as text and e-mail messages. After the installations were completed, we trained the users.
– It is rare to come across a project without any problems, but here is one. Everything went smoothly, and the equipment has worked reliably, Puronen continues.
Customer benefits
An effective solution for monitoring oil separators: constant readiness, environmental reports are available at the push of a button
Optimized operational reliability: LabkoNet monitors both alarms and the status of the connection
Life-cycle service by a manufacturer itself: including hardware, installation, LabkoNet cloud service, training and maintenance
Reliable and secured monitoring 24/7/365
Monitoring the oil separators at SEO’s stations is now easy and centralized — preparedness for emergency situations is constant and official reports can be produced at the push of a button. The reliability of the system is enhanced by the fact that LabkoNet monitors not only the filling of the separators, but also the status of the connection. If necessary, it is possible to distribute the alarm information to transport companies, for example, which improves preparedness and helps in route planning.
– Now we can be sure that the soil and groundwater are protected as well as possible. We are happy to have Labkotec as a partner, Puronen adds.
More information:
Jukka Korhonen
Product Manager
+358 50 562 8303
” Labkotec offers a ready-to-use concept, suitable technology, and manufacturers’ core know-how and support.”